My research interests are in Signal Processing, VLSI Architectures and Engineering Education |
This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright. |
Sumam David S. and Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Two-sided filters for frame-based prediction, Workshop on Speech Processing, TIFR Bombay, Nov.1988. |
Sumam David S. and Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Two-sided filters for frame-based prediction, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol.39, No.4, pp.789-794, Apr.1991. |
Sumam David S. and Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Multiband-excited linear predictive coder with a two-sided short-term predictor, Signal Processing, Vol.25, No.1, pp.69-80, Oct.1991. |
Sumam David S., Adaptive interframe vector predictive quantisation of two-sided filter parameters, Proc. of AMSE Intl. Conf. on Signals, Data and Systems, Calcutta, Vol.1, pp.203-214, Dec. 1992. |
Sumam David S. and Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Multiband-excited speech coder with a two-sided short-term predictor, Proc. of Discussion meeting on Recent Advances in Signal Processing and Communication, IISc Bangalore, pp.18-23, TMH 1993. |
Sumam David S. and Suma, Hand Geometry identification using image processing techniques, KREC Research Bulletin, Vol.2, No.1, pp.22-30, June 1993. |
Sumam David S., DSP Laboratory module for undergraduate Electrical Sciences Curriculum, MATLAB User's Conference, Bangalore, pp.7-15, Nov. 1996. |
Sumam David S., DSP Education: Vision 2000, Proc. of Natl. Conf. on Information Technology for the Twenty first century, KREC Surathkal, pp.137-142, Dec. 1996. |
Sumam David S. and Vinod V. Thomas, PC based on-line power harmonic monitoring system, Proc. of National Conference on Electric Drives & Control for transport systems, Vidisha, pp. 211-214, Jan. 1997. |
Bhaskar Sherigar, A.S. Mahadevan, K. Senthil Kumar and Sumam David, A pipelined parallel processor to implement MD4 message digest algorithm on Xilinx FPGA, Proc. of International Conference on VLSI design, Chennai, pp.394-399, Jan. 1998. (Secured second best student paper award) |
Angelo W.D. Pereira, Channakeshav, Nagesh K.V., Capt. Avadhanulu and Sumam David, Implementation of an 800bps speech coder on TMS320c54X, DSP Educator’s Conference, Bangalore, Dec. 1998. |
Sumam David S., An integrated approach to DSP education: A case study, DSP Educator’s conference, Bangalore, pp.95-98, Dec 1999. |
Sumam David S. and Rajeev, Analysis of lung sounds and pulmonary diagnosis using wavelet based techniques, International Conference on Medical Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures, Chennai, Dec. 1999. |
Angelo W.D. Pereira, Asif M.and Sumam David, An FPGA based edge detector for 8 bit gray scale images, International Conference on VLSI Design, Calcutta, January 2000. (Secured best student design award) |
Sumam David S., An integrated approach to DSP education: A case study, IEEE-UEF International Conference on Electrical, Electronics & Computer Engineering Education in the Third Millenium (ICEECEE), Davos, Switzerland, Sept. 2000. |
Prem Kuchi, Prasad Gabbur, P.S. Bhat and Sumam David, Human face detection and tracking in color image sequences using skin color modeling and connected component operators, IETE Journal of Research (Special issue on Image processing), IETE Journal of Research, Special Issue on Visual Media Processing, vol.48, pp.289-293, May-Aug. 2002. |
Praveen Chawan, Tejaswi, Mithun, Ajit Rao, C.V. Goudar and Sumam David, Fixed point implementation of Internet low-bit rate codec (iLBC), Texas Instruments Developer’s Conference, Bangalore, Dec. 2003. |
Pradeep J., Ajit Rao, and Sumam David, A novel music beat detection algorithm based on periodicity of energy flux, National Communications Conference (NCC 2004), pp. 522-526, Jan.. 2004. |
Kiran K.S., Shivaprakash H., Subrahmanya M.V., Sundeep Raj and Sumam David, Implementation of JPEG2000 still image codec on Blackfin (ADSP-BF535) Processor, International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2004), Beijing, pp. 804-807, September 2004. |
Arvind A.L., Bindu Rao, Sudhir Kudva, Sreenu Babu, Sumam David and Ajit V. Rao, Quality and complexity comparison of H.264 intra mode with JPEG2000 and JPEG, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004), Singapore, pp. 525-528, October 2004. |
Yashwanth H., Harish M., and Sumam David, Automatic Speech recognition using audio visual cues, INDICON 2004, IIT Kharagpur, pp. 166-169, Dec. 2004. |
Rajath Shenoy, Sudhir Naik and Sumam David, Improved algorithms for implementation of MPEG2 AAC Decoder on FPGA, IEEE TENCON2005, Melbourne, November 2005. |
U.Harish Padiyar, S. S. Mahant Shetti, Sumam David, A System Level Solution for Power Quality Problems, IEEE PES Power India Conference 2006, New Delhi, Apr. 2006. |
Ajay A.V, Deepti S.M, Rajendra C.Y, Venkatesan N.E, Sumam David S., Resizing of Images by arbitrary factors in the spatial domain and implementation on Blackfinn BF533 processor, IET Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2006), pp. 311-314, September, 2006. |
Aparna P. and Sumam David S., Adaptive Local Cosine transform for Seismic Image CompressionInternational Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication (ADCOM 2006), NITK, Surathkal, Dec 20-23, 2006. |
U.Harish Padiyar, Sumam David S., S. S. Mahant Shetti, VRM for High Performance Processor Boards - A Review , National Conference on Advanced Energy Conversion Technologies (AECT2007), MIT Manipal, March 2007. |
Aparna P. and Sumam David S., Efficient Compression of video using Distributed Source Coding, National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG 2008), DAIICT Gandhinagar, Jan 11-13, 2008. |
Sivaprakash Reddy, Aparna P. and Sumam David S., Syndrome coding of video using LDPC codes, International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2008), Beijing, 26-29 October 2008. |
Amod Jai Ganesh Anandkumar, Aneesh Ghosh T. A., B. Teja Damodaram, and Sumam David S., Underdetermined blind source separation using binary time-frequency masking with variable frequency resolution, IEEE TENCON 2008, Hyderabad, 19-21 November 2008. |
Sanjay R., Ashish Shenoy P., Siddhartha Sampath, Akella Karthik, Sumam David S., Real time implementation of OGG VORBIS deceoder on Analog Devices SHARC ADSP-21364, National Communication Conference (NCC 2009), IIT Guwahati, 16 -18 January 2009.. |
U.Harish Padiyar, Sumam David S., S. S. Mahant Shetti, A System level Solution to improve VRM efficiency, International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2009), Melbourne, 10 - 13 February 2009. |
Sumam David S., Outstanding Leadership for IUCEE at the Mangalore Regional Centre in Karnataka State, Global Colloquium on Engineering Education (GCEE 2009), Budapest, 12-15 October 2009. |
Aparna P., Sivaprakash Reddy and Sumam David S., Distributed video coding using LDPC codes for Wireless Video, Journal of Wireless Sensor Networks, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 334-339, November 2009. |
Jora M. Gonda, Anantha Adithya V., Sumam David S, Performance Analysis of Compensation Current Extraction Techniques for 3-phase, 3-Wire Shunt Active
Power Filter Under Unbalanced Supply, International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS 2009), IIT Kharagpur, 27-29 December 2009. |
Ramesh Kini M., Sumam David S, Comprehensive Address Generator for Digital Signal Processing, International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS 2009), SriLanka, 28-31 December 2009. |
U.Harish Padiyar, Sumam David S., S. S. Mahant Shetti, Voltage Regulator module Design considerations to enhance efficiency, International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS 2010), NITK Surathkal, 29 July - 1 August, 2010. |
Ritesh Bhat, Jora M. Gonda, Sumam David, Novel Vector-Locked Loop Scheme for Synchronized Extraction of Harmonics, International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS 2010), Colombo, 17-19, December 2010. |
Jora M. Gonda, Ritesh Bhat, and Sumam David, Novel Vector-Locked Loop Scheme for Synchronized Extraction of Harmonics, International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Transportation Systems (PEITS 2010), Shenzhen, China, 20-21, November 2010. |
Ramesh Kini M, Sumam David S, Address Generation For DSP Kernels, International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP 2011), NIT Calicut , 10-12 February 2011. |
Aravind NV, Abhinandan K, Vineeth V. Acharya and Sumam David, Comparison of OMP and SOMP in the reconstruction of compressively sensed Hyperspectral Images, International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP 2011), NIT Calicut , 10-12 February 2011. |
Aparna P, Sumam David S., Multilevel Coset Coding of Video with Golay Codes, IEEE Symposium on Computer and Informatics (ISCI 2011), Kuala Lumpur, 20-22 March 2011. |
Jargalsaikhan Iveel, Sumam David S., A novel adaptive support window based stereo matching algorithm for 3D reconstruction from 2D images, International Conference on Telecommunications for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITST2011), St. Petersburg, 23-25 August 2011. |
Shrikant Kulkarni, Manoj H, Sumam David, Venugopala Madumbu and Y Senthil Kumar, Robust Hand Gesture Recognition System Using Motion Templates, International Conference on Telecommunications for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITST2011), St. Petersburg, 23-25 August 2011 |
Anil Kumar, P. Shashidhar Chavan, Sharatchandra V.K, Sumam David, Philip Kelly and Noel E. O’Connor, 3D Estimation and Visualization of Motion in a Multicamera Network for Sports, Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP2011), Dublin, 7-9 September 2011 |
Ramesh Kini M, Sumam David S, ASIC Implementation of Address Generation Unit for Digital Signal Processing Kernel-Processor, ICGST International Journal on Programmable Devices, Circuits and Systems, PDCS, Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp. 1-9, December 2011. |
Aparna P, Sumam David S., Efficient Distributed Video Coding based on principle of syndrome coding, International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, Special Issue on Image and Data Compression Applications, Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 4, No,4, pp. 212-219, 2011. |
Jora M. Gonda and Sumam David, Real-Time Implementation of a Novel Vector-Locked Loop for Synchronous Extraction of Harmonics in Power Systems, Journal of Electrical Engineering, University Politehnica, Romania, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 87-94, 2012 . |
Aparna P, Sumam David S., Low Complexity Distributed Video Coding with Golay Codes, International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 466-470, August 2012 |
Ramesh Kini M, Sumam David S, Implementation of Comprehensive Address Generator for DSP, International Journal of Electronics, Taylor & Francis, pp. 1-18, 2012. |
Jora M. Gonda and Sumam David, Real-time implementation of an amplitude-locked loop: a validation on the dSPACE DS1006-based platform, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 21, Issue 3, pp 699-713, 2013. |
Phalguni, Kishan Ganapathi, Venugopala Madumbu, Resmi Rajendran and Sumam David, Design and implementation of an automatic traffic sign recognition system on TI OMAP-L138, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2013), Cape Town, February 2013. |
Chetan Patil, Madhumitha Sridhara, Mathura M. G., Varun V. Nayak, Sumam David S., Merwyn Fernandes, Anand Venugopal, B. Unnikrishnan, Utility of image processing on MRI scan for early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease, International Engineering Symposium (IES 2013), Kumomoto University, March 2013. |
Chetan Patil, Yashwanth Marathe, Kiran Amoghimath, Sumam David S., Low Cost Black Box for Cars, Texas Instruments India Educator's Conference (TIIEC 2013), Bangalore, April 2013. |
Vikram Shenoy H., Pankaj Bongale, Vineet Roy and Sumam David S., Stereovision based 3D hand gesture recognition for pervasive computing applications, International Conference on Information, Communication and Signal Processing (ICICS 2013), Tainan, December 2013. |
Ashwin K, Vijayakumar,Vinay Sundarrajan, Sreecharan Sankaranarayanan, Dr.Sumam David S., Music Transcription of Karnatic Music through classification of Gamaka, Midwest Music Information Retrieval Gathering, Northwestern University, Chicago, June 2014. |
Chandrika B.K., Aparna P., Sumam David S., Symmetry Based Perceptually Lossless Compression of 3D Medical Images in Spatial Domain, International Conference on Computer, Communication, and Control Technology (I4CT, 2014), Malaysia, September 2014. |
Chetan Patil, Madhumitha Sridhara, Mathura M. G., Sumam David, Merwyn Fernandes, Anand Venugopal, B. Unnikrishnan, Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease using Image Processing on MRI Scans, International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems 2015, (IEEE SPICES 2015), NIT Calicut, Feb 2015. |
Ashwin K, Sreecharan Sankaranarayanan, Sumam David S, Audio Segmentation Using A-priori Information in the Context of Karnatic Music, International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems 2015, (IEEE SPICES 2015), NIT Calicut, Feb 2015. |
Anmol J Bhattad, Sharukh S Shaikh, Sumam David S., K. P. Anoop, Venkat R Peddigari, Real time Pedestrian detection and tracking, 4th International Engineering Symposium (IES 2015), Kumomoto University, March 2015. |
Karthik Hegde, Vadiraj Kulkarni, Harshavardhan R, Sumam David S., Adaptive Reconfigurable architecture for image denoising, IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium: Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop, Hyderabad, May 2015. |
Chandrika B.K., Aparna P., Sumam David, Analysis and Comparison of Symmetry based Lossless and Perceptually lossless algorithms for Volumetric compression of medical images, Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies, Poland, 2015. |
Chandrika B.K., Aparna P., Sumam David, Irreversible wavelet compression of radiological images based on visual threshold, IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE 2015), Dhaka, December 2015. |
Saharsh Oza, Ankit Shah, Tarun Thokala, Sumam David, Pipelined implementation of high radix adaptive CORDIC as a coprocessor, IEEE Symposium on Emerging Topics in Computing and Communications (SETCAC'15), Trivandrum, December 2015. |
Anu Shaju Areeckal, Sumam David, Michel Kocher, Nikhil Jayasheelan, Jagannath Kamath, Fully automated radiogrammetric measurement of third metacarpal bone from hand radiograph, IEEE Signal Processing and Communication (SPCOM 2016), IISc Bangalore, June 2016. |
Deepu S. P., Sumam David, Ramesh Kini M., Estimation of Attack Time Constant for Dynamic Range Compressors in Hearing Aids, IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2016), Beijing, October 2016. |
Chandrika B.K., Aparna P., Sumam David, Perceptually Lossless Coder for Volumetric Medical Image Data, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Elsevier, Volume 46, pp. 23-32, July 2017. |
Chandrika B.K., Aparna P., Sumam David, Visually lossless coder for volumetric MRI and CT image data using wavelet transform, International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics, Special Issue on Advances in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 7, No.6, pp. 644-668, 2017. |
Abhishek Rathan Kumar, Anirudh Birur, Vivek Venkatraman, Sumam David S Accelerating Real-time Computer Vision Applications using HW/SW Co-design, IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics 2017 (Comptelix 2017), Jaipur, July 2017. |
Karthik Samtani, Jobin Thomas V, Abhinav Varma, Sumam David S, Deepu S.P FPGA Implementation of Adaptive Beamforming in Hearing Aids, 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC 2017), Jeju Island, Korea, July 2017. |
Karthik Samtani, Jobin Thomas V, Deepu S.P, Sumam David S, Area and Power Optimised ASIC Implementation of Adaptive Beamformer for Hearing Aids, 13th IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2017), Turin, October 2017. |
Mathew Sam, Anu Shaju Areeckal, Sumam David, Early Diagnosis of Osteoporosis using Active Appearance Model and Metacarpal Radiogrammetry, 13th International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2017), Jaipur, December 2017. |
Anu Shaju Areeckal, Mathew Sam, Sumam David, Computerized Radiogrammetry of Third Metacarpal using Watershed and Active Appearance Model, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2018), Lyon, pp. 1490-1495, February 2018. |
Bhat Raghavendra Ravi, Deepu S. P., Ramesh Kini M., Sumam David S., Wavelet based Noise Reduction Techniques for Real Time Speech Enhancement, International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks, SPIN2018, Noida, February 2018. |
Anu Shaju Areeckal, Nikhil Jayasheelan, Jagannath Kamath,Sophie Zawadynski, Michel Kocher, Sumam David S., Early Diagnosis of Osteoporosis using Radiogrammetry and Texture Analysis from Hand and Wrist Radiographs in Indian Population, Osteoporosis International, Vol 29, No. 3 pp. 665-673, March 2018. |
Karishma Shiraj Mulani, Harish Kumar, Gaurav M.K and Sumam David S Hardware Acceleration of Optically Labeled Human Genome Sequencing using a Novel Algorithm, International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (IEEE CONECCT), Bangalore, March 2018 . |
Anu Shaju Areeckal, Jagannath Kamath,Sophie Zawadynski, Michel Kocher, Sumam David S., Combined radiogrammetry and texture analysis for early diagnosis of osteoporosis using Indian and Swiss data, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol 68, pp. 25-39, September 2018. |
Anu Shaju Areeckal, Michel Kocher, Sumam David S., Current and Emerging Diagnostic Imaging-Based Techniques for Assessment of Osteoporosis and Fracture Risk, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 12, Issue 1, December 2019. |
Avinash D Jayakar, Gautham Sambath, Anu Shaju Areeckal, Sumam David S., Cortical Volumetry using 3D reconstruction of metacarpal bone from multi-view images, IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational Systems (RAICS), Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 79-83, December 2018. |
Mohita Chowdhury, Hansal Shah, Theekshna Kotian, N. Subbalakshmi, Sumam David S., Copy-Move forgery detection using SIFT and GLCM based texture analysis, IEEE TENCON2019, Kochi, pp. 958-962, October 2019. |
Lakshmi S., Deepu Vijayasenan, Sumam David S., Saraswathy Sreeram, Pooja K Suresh An Integrated Deep Learning approach towards automatic evaluation of KI-67 labeling Index, IEEE TENCON2019, Kochi, pp. 2322-2326, October 2019. |
Bindu S., Sumam David S., Vinod V. Thomas, Non-intrusive methods to detect air-gap eccentricity faults in three-phase induction motor, International Review of Electrical Engineering
Vol. 15, pp. 41-53, Jan. 2020. |
Deepu S. P., Ramesh Kini M.,Sumam David, Accurate estimation of decay coefficients for dynamic range compressors in hearing aids and a hardware level comparison of different architectures, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 74, pp. 1-10, April 2020. |
Deepu S. P., Ramesh Kini M.,Sumam David, 18 band ANSI S1.11 filter bank based on interpolated finite impulse response technique for hearing aids, IET The Journal of Engineering, pp. 1-8, November 2020. |
Lakshmi S., Kotra Venkata Sai Ritwik, Deepu Vijayasenan, Sumam David S., Saraswathy Sreeram, Pooja K Suresh Deep Learning Model based Ki-67 Index estimation with Automatically Labelled Data, 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC 2020), Montreal, pp. 1412-1415, July 2020. |
Shajahan Aboobacker, Deepu Vijayasenan, Sumam David S., Pooja K Suresh, Saraswathy Sreeram, A Deep Learning Model for the Automatic Detection of Malignancy in Effusion Cytology, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC 2020), Macau, pp. 1-5, August 2020. |
Hitesh S., Lamia M.K., Sripathi M., Deepu S.P. , Sumam David S., Hardware Implementation of Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform Based Image Reconstruction, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems (ISCAS 2020), Seville, pp. 1-5, October 2020. |
Pooja Anand, Sumam David, Sudeep K.S. Motion Deblurring of Faces, IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT 2020), Bangalore, pp. 78-82, November 2020. |
Chandrika B.K., Aparna P., Sumam David, An Approach for Diagnostically Lossless Coding of Volumetric Medical Data Based on Wavelet and Just-Noticeable-Distortion Model, IETE Journal of Research, November 2020. |
Sathwik G.S., Barun Kumar Acharya, Bilal Ali, Deepu S.P. , Sumam David S., Real-Time Hardware Implementation of 3D Sound Synthesis, 2020 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2020), Ha Long Bay, pp. 232-235, December 2020. |
Geethalakshmi P.M., Sumam David S. Vinod V. Thomas, Choice of Engineering Education among Girls in India – The Journey so far, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume 34, pp. 348-355, January 2021. |
Bindu S., Sumam David S., Vinod V. Thomas, Characterization of Fault Signature Due to Combined Air-Gap Eccentricity and Rotor Faults in Induction Motors, International Review on Modeling and Simulations, Vol 14, No 5, pp. 345-358, October2021. |
Manan Sharma, Rahul R, Madhusudan S, Deepu S.P. , Sumam David S., Hardware Accelerator for Object Detection using Tiny YOLO-v3, 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON), Guwahati, pp. 1-6, December 2021. |
Divya B, Rajesh P Nair, Prakashini K, Girish Menon R, Paul Litvak, Pitchaiah Mandava, Deepu Vijayasenan , Sumam David S., A more generalizable DNN based Automatic Segmentation of Brain Tumors from Multimodal low-resolution 2D MRI, 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON), pp. 1-5, Guwahati, December 2021. |
Shajahan Aboobacker, Akash Verma, Deepu Vijayasenan, Sumam David S., Pooja K Suresh, Saraswathy Sreeram, Semantic Segmentation on Low Resolution Cytology Images of Pleural and Peritoneal Effusion, 2022 National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2022, Mumbai, pp. 82-87, May 2022. |
Deepu S. P., Ramesh Kini M.,Sumam David, Design and implementation of a signal processing ASIC for digital hearing aids, Microprocessors and Microsystems, July 2022. |
Shajahan Aboobacker, Deepu Vijayasenan, Sumam David S., Pooja K Suresh, Saraswathy Sreeram, Semi Supervised Semantic Segmentation for Effusion Cytology Images, International Conference on
Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence (CVMI) 2022, Allahabad, August 2022. |
Mayank Rajpurohit, Shajahan Aboobacker, Deepu Vijayasenan, Sumam David S., Pooja K Suresh, Saraswathy Sreeram, Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation of Effusion Cytology Images using Adversarial Training, International Conference on Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence (CVMI) 2022, Allahabad, August 2022. |
Shajahan Aboobacker, Deepu Vijayasenan, Sumam David S., Pooja K Suresh, Saraswathy Sreeram, Semantic Segmentation of Low Magnification Effusion Cytology Images: A Semi-Supervised Approach, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 150, November 2022. |
Chethan Reddy G. P., P. Abhijith Reddy, Vidyashree R. Kanabur, Deepu Vijayasenan, Sumam David S., Sreejith Govindan, Semi-Automatic Labeling and Semantic Segmentation of Gram-Stained Microscopic Images from DIBaS Dataset, 2023 2nd International Conference on Computational Systems and Communication (ICCSC), Trivandrum, March 2023. |
Vidyashree R. Kanabur, Deepu Vijayasenan, Sumam David S., Sreejith Govindan, A Deep Learning Approach to Enhance Semantic Segmentation of Bacteria and Pus Cells from Microscopic Urine Smear Images using Synthetic Data, 8th International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing CVIP 2023, Jammu, November 2023. |
Parag Jha, Sumam David S., Deepu Vijayasenan, CNN based Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation using Satellite Images around Indian Subcontinent, 8th International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing CVIP 2023, Jammu, November 2023. |
Harshal Singh, Vidyashree R. Kanabur, Deepu Vijayasenan, Sumam David S., Sreejith Govindan, Adversarial Learning based Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Low Resolution Gram Stained Microscopic Images , 8th International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing CVIP 2023, Jammu, November 2023. |
Divya B, Rajesh P Nair, Prakashini K, Girish Menon R, Paul Litvak, Pitchaiah Mandava, Deepu Vijayasenan , Sumam David S., A hybrid CNN-FC approach for automatic grading og brain tumors from non-invasive MRIs, 2024 7th International Conference for Women in Data Science (WiDS), Riyadh, March 2024. |
Soby Abraham, Bhumireddy Penchalareddy, Sumam David S., Deepu Vijayasenan , Sricevi H. B. , Identification of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms using deep learning 2024 7th International Conference for Women in Data Science (WiDS), Riyadh, March 2024. |
Divya B, Rajesh P Nair, Prakashini K, Girish Menon R, Paul Litvak, Pitchaiah Mandava, Deepu Vijayasenan , Sumam David S., Generalizable DNN Model for Brain Tumor Sub-Structure Segmentation from Low-Resolution 2D Multimodal MR Images, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 100, Part B, February 2025. |
Raichel Philip Yohanan, Sumam David S., Deepu Vijayasenan, Ravi Teja Chowdary, Girish Menon R, Sudha Girish Menon, Artery Vein Segmentation in Handheld Fundus Camera Retinal Images and leveraging Cross Entropy for improved Semantic performance, International Conference on Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence (CVMI) 2024, IIIT Allahabad, October 2024. |
Omprakash, Sumam David, Programmable Switch Network for swapping the connection between sets of nodes, Patent No 327001, December 2019 (Appln No 1359/CHE/2008 dt 03-06-2008) |